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Out Standen

We were very sorry to hear at the weekend of the death of Michael Standen, editor of Other Poetry, poet, writer of short stories, translator and collaborator, treasurer of Colpitts Poetry and a congenial presence at their readings. As Jo Colley wrote in her poem for his 70th birthday celebration in 2007, "He’s a dude, he’s a mensch, he’s a real good egg" – and he is going to be very much missed.

P.S. I have here stopped short of the man’s own site, which refers to him as "Michael Frederick George Standen". But I have at least used the name ‘Michael’, rather than ‘Mick’. A quick reference to Google confirms that ‘Mick Standen’ is more widely known than his more formal counterpart: including one, to me at least, unexpected connection.

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