Busman’s holiday
Friday, July 31st, 2009It’s just as well that I love my job, because sometimes it seems that, no matter where I go, I just can’t get away from it.
Cornwell Internet is recently returned from a holiday in Iceland. We left the business, as always, in the capable hands of Stephen Mellor, knowing that we could rely on him to take care of the one big task that would have to be done during our absence – the announcement of the winners of the CWA Dagger awards.
As it happened, wireless internet was widely and easily available in Iceland, so we were able to eavesdrop on Stephen’s correspondence with CWA Chair Margaret Murphy. But we didn’t expect this addition reminder of Margaret:

– her book, The Dispossessed displayed in the secondhand basket outside a shop in Stykkishólmur on Iceland’s Snæfellsnes peninsula.
But it seems that English-language crime fiction is very popular in Iceland. We also sighted Margaret’s fellow Murder Squaddie, Ann Cleeves at number 4 among the best-sellers in a Reykjavik bookshop: