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Beryl Nicholson writes from Albania:

As you will be back from your holiday, may I tell you about this beautiful evening in Tirana. It is so mild I am wandering around in short sleeves. All day the sky has been bright blue, and the sun shines every day.

So to business: I expect to go to the Tirana book fair towards the end of next month, always a stimulating event. Besides spending too much money, I wonder if I might make some useful contacts. Could you perhaps mention this to people you [and in some cases I] know who might be interested in having their books translated? Would it be useful to get details of potential publishers – chatting them up first – or does one give them contact information, web addresses, etc.? Don’t you have a blog or something? There is definitely a market here, small, but eager to read. The papers carry a lot of cultural news too. If this is just a mad idea, let me know, but if it is not, ditto.

Beryl is something of an expert on all things Albanian, not just the academic (though she is that too) but also the best internet cafés, where to eat, etc. and we’ll be passing on her offer to those of our clients and contacts we think might appreciate it. (If you think we’ve missed you out, do get in touch.)

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