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Taking to the (air) waves

Mid-September is Cornwell Internet time on Radio 4 – though as always, it’s not about us, it’s about our brilliant and talented clients!

First up is Jenny Lewis, who has just learned that her poem Pushkin is Everything (from her collection Fathom) will be read on BBC Radio 4’s Poetry Please on Sunday 11th September at 4.30 pm, repeated on Saturday 17th at 11.30 pm and available on BBC iPlayer for a while after that.

Meanwhile, on the afternoon of that Saturday (17th September, between 2.30 and 3.30pm), there will be further opportunity for new readers to meet Shetland detective Jimmy Perez when Radio 4 repeats the adaptation by Iain Finlay MacLeod of Ann Cleeves’s Raven Black, the first of her quartet of Shetland murder mysteries – and presumably that, too, will remain available on the iPlayer.

Two treats not to be missed: but since good things are supposed to come in threes, I’m wondering what will be next?

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