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First there was text, then there were images, next came sound and video; now the internet is at the centre of entertainment of all kinds. You may already be filling your iPod with legally downloaded music, or you may only know what you read in the press about illegal file-sharing and music piracy.

Cornwell Internet can help you decide whether there is a place for sound on your website, and if so, how to implement it:

Talk to us about how you would like to use sound on your website, and we will discuss how it can be done, and what it will cost you in storage space, bandwidth and work.

Finally, Roger introduces his own piece of music:

Click the Spoot logo for music When my fiftieth birthday came around in 1997, Jean commissioned her brother Neil Rogers to write a tune for me. The result was Roger 101: you can hear a MIDI transcription of it (also by Neil) by pressing the play button on the control panel to the right.
Spootiskerry Why is it called Roger 101? Well (pay attention at the back), 50 in base 7 arithmetic is 101, and the tune, as you will have noticed, is in 7/8 time.
Spootiskerry - a band like no other - played the piece at my 50th birthday party, and if you want to hear it and other great music, click their logo to check out their web site...


Roger 101 and the MIDI transcription are both © 1997-2005 Neil Rogers
Used by permission.